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Affordable Google Workspace for frontline workers

Are you a frontline worker looking for a cost-effective way to get the digital tools you need? Google offers discounted Google Workspace options designed specifically for frontline workers. Let’s dive into who qualifies and what benefits this offering provides. Who Are Frontline Workers Frontline workers are the lifeblood of many businesses, typically: Examples include: Eligibility...

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Our Silver VPS just got more powerful for free

There is no better way to start the new year with free upgrades. Starting January 10th, all new Silver VPSs will include 2vCPUs instead of 1vCPU for the same price. You get twice as many vCPUs for only $15.00/month. This is our continued commitment to providing affordable solutions for our customers. What happens to existing...

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Top 5 reasons to choose a .CA domain

.ca has been Canada’s Internet top-level domain since 1987. Those wishing to register under this address must have some connection to Canada. If most of your business is Canadian, go with .ca. There have been several studies showing that, on average, Canadians trust (and visit) “.ca” over “.com” and other endings. That’s why 99% of...

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We are not increasing our .CA & .COM prices

As of September 1, 2023, both CIRA and Verisign, the registries responsible for the domains, will increase their prices. Unlike other hosting providers, we have decided not to pass on these price changes to our customers and won’t be increasing our domain prices. We have been informed that Verisign will be increasing their prices for...

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Pricing changes for Microsoft Cloud

Microsoft is taking several steps to globally align pricing for Microsoft Cloud products, which means customers will see consistent pricing that reflects the exchange rate of the local currency to the U.S. dollar (USD). Beginning April 1, 2023, pricing for Microsoft Cloud products will be adjusted. Going forward, Microsoft will review local currency pricing on...

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Price increase for .NET domains

Verisign the operating registry of .net domains will be increasing its prices for .net domains starting on February 1, 2023. This means that, unfortunately, like other hosting providers, LaniSys Hosting Canada will need to do the same. There is still time to take advantage of the current lower prices by renewing your existing domains for...

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Price increase for .COM domains

Verisign the operating registry of .com domains will be increasing its prices for .com domains starting on September 1, 2022. This means that, unfortunately, like other hosting providers, LaniSys Hosting Canada will need to do the same. There is still time to take advantage of the current lower prices by renewing your existing domains for...

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How to set up Yoast SEO plugin in WordPress?

The Yoast SEO plugin is great WordPress plugin. For starters, we strongly recommend that you add it to WordPress after installation. Yoast is designed to help bloggers and content developers of all kinds to make their pages more visible in online search results. However, after installing Yoast SEO, many new users will forget that some...

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The SPF record

Setting up the SPF record is used to curb spam. How does the SPF help the war on spam? While spam filtering prevents you from receiving spam, SPF prevents spam from being sent from your domain name on your behalf. Nowadays, it is not at all strange to send unsolicited emails or viruses from someone’s...

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SEO Basics: Choose a Good Domain

SEO starts by choosing a good domain. If you want a website for your business, the very first step is to choose a good domain. What is the best method for choosing a domain name? Register your business name or activity as a domain? Maybe a good keyword for your business is a good choice?...

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Founded in 2016 in Montréal, Québec, Canada LaniSys Solutions Inc. has been providing professional services for more than half a decade. We provide businesses and individuals with a full range of hosting services by following industry best practices and using latest technologies.


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